2024 NAGDCA Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship sign up deadline – Friday, August 2

NAGDCA would like to thank our industry partners for your continued support as members and sponsors over the years! We’re excited to offer sponsorship packages that provide opportunities for your organization to stay top-of-mind with the NAGDCA community year round and during our 2024 Annual Conference scheduled for September 15-18 in Phoenix, AZ.

Click here to download a PDF version of the sponsorship packages and details.
If you have questions about sponsorship, please contact Carly Abernathy at cabernathy@amrms.com.

NAGDCA Sponsorship Packages

Benefits Information

Company access to Public Retirement Research Lab (PRRL) online benchmarking portal
Company login credentials to be provided that may be used to access industry-level data in the PRRL online benchmarking tool.

Complimentary annual conference registrations
May be used by a set number of company representatives as outlined in each package. A discount code will be shared with sponsors that may be shared with company employees to zero out the fee when registering for the annual conference.

Logo featured in printed annual conference agenda
Logo included in printed agenda that is distributed to annual conference attendees.

Logo featured on NAGDCA website
Logo included on NAGDCA’s annual conference webpage.

Logo featured in annual conference meeting space
Logo featured on signage in the annual conference meeting space.

Badge ribbon at annual conference
A badge ribbon featuring “Sponsor” will be distributed to all company employees who attend the annual conference.

Sponsor profile in annual conference mobile app
A profile featuring company logo, bio, and link to the company website will be featured in the annual conference mobile app.
Please send sponsor profile information to Carly Miller at cmiller@amrms.com.

Sponsor profile on NAGDCA website (available until 12/31/24)
A profile featuring company logo, bio, and link to the company website will be featured on the NAGDCA website.
Please send sponsor profile information to Carly Miller at cmiller@amrms.com.

Sponsor lapel pin
A lapel pin featuring the NAGDCA logo and sponsorship level will be distributed to all company employees who attend the annual conference.

Advance access to annual conference registration list
A link will be shared with the sponsorship point of contact that may be used to download the annual conference registration list leading up to the event – updated weekly. The list includes name, title, company/entity, email, city, state.

The list may not be used for mass mailings or to directly promote a company’s products/services, but may be used to promote a company’s speaker/session and to send invitations for events held in conjunction with the NAGDCA annual conference.

Recognition during NAGDCA Connect programs (excluding Peer-to-Peer Exchanges)
Company to be recognized during NAGDCA Connect webinars and Conversations.
2024 NAGDCA Connect programs TBD.

Branded thought leadership pieces (featured in sponsor profile and distributed to members)
Sponsors may submit a set number of branded thought leadership/research/educational pieces as outlined in each package that will be included in the online sponsor profile and distributed monthly via email to all NAGDCA members (1,700+ total contacts).

NEW – Priority opportunity to participate as a moderator or speaker during NAGDCA Annual Conference session*
Company representatives submitted through the call for speakers process will be given preference during the selection process.

Guaranteed opportunity to participate as a moderator or speaker during NAGDCA Connect or annual conference*
One company representative may participate as a moderator or speaker during an annual conference session.

Logo featured in general session meeting space at annual conference
Logo featured in the main meeting space at the annual conference.

Logo featured on annual conference mobile app splash screen
Logo featured on the splash screen of the annual conference mobile app. Attendees cannot bypass the splash screen and will see it each time they open the app.

Logo featured in NAGDCA quarterly newsletter
Logo featured on newsletter distributed to all NAGDCA members quarterly (1,700+ total contacts).

Opportunity to book hotel sub-block at annual conference hotel
Sponsors have the opportunity to reserve a number of rooms in NAGDCA hotel block to be used by employees and/or clients. NAGDCA will put sponsors in contact with a hotel contact to coordinate the sub-block.

NEW – One seat on NAGDCA Data and Research Committee
One company representative may participate on the committee overseeing NAGDCA’s research efforts.

*Sponsors should submit names for moderator/speaker opportunities following the normal process in response to a call for speakers. Speaker’s experience and expertise should meet the topic needs as outlined by the Conference committee.