Industry Committee Member-at-Large Nominations

Nominations due Wednesday, August 7.

NAGDCA is currently seeking nominations for the Industry Committee Member-at-Large position. The Industry Committee serves as the voice for NAGDCA’s private sector members, and is essential to increasing communication between and among industry and government members to strengthen public-private partnerships. Participating on the committee offers a unique opportunity to use your skills to make an impact in the public sector defined contribution market.

Find out more about the committee’s purpose, composition, responsibilities and time commitment below. If you would like to run for a Member-at-Large position, please submit the form below. The election will take place during the Industry Members’ Business meeting at the Annual Conference in Seattle.


  • A significant role in advancing public sector DC plans
  • An opportunity to enhance the value of NAGDCA to its industry members
  • Access to up-to-date information about the challenges facing public sector DC plans
  • The chance to exchange ideas and perspectives with other volunteer leaders


  • Current industry member in good standing.
  • No company can have more than one representative serving on the committee.

Time Commitment:

  • 7 year commitment; 3 years as member-at-large and advancing annually upward through positions
  • Bi-monthly conference calls
  • Regular email correspondence
  • Time commitment increases as members cycle upward:
    • Vice President – serves as non-voting member on Executive Board
    • President – serves as voting member on the Executive Board

NAGDCA Committee Charter

Title: Industry Committee

Strategic Goal: Connect the NAGDCA community throughout the year

Purpose: To increase communication between and among industry and government members to strengthen public-private partnerships.


Appointment of Chair/Vice-Chair: The Chair will be the President of the Industry Committee as elected by the industry membership. The Industry President will serve on the NAGDCA Board as a voting member. The Industry Vice President will serve on the NAGDCA Board as a non-voting member.

Appointment of Members:  Members of the committee will be elected by the industry membership. The NAGDCA President serves as a voting member of the industry committee.

Terms:  Members of the committee will serve seven years starting with a three-year term as member-at-large and then rotating through the officer positions ending with the Past President role.

Mid-Term Vacancies: In the event the Industry President should resign or be unable to complete the term of office, the Industry Vice President shall succeed the Industry President.

A vacancy in the offices of the Industry Vice President, Industry Secretary, or Industry Treasurer, created for any reason whatsoever (including succession to another office) may be filled by the Industry President, upon approval of the Industry Committee, first from among the other officers or the Member-at-Large positions, and then from among representatives of Industry Members. A vacancy in a Member-at-Large position may be filled by appointment by the Industry Committee from among representatives of Industry Members.

Roles and Responsibilities:The Industry Committee represents NAGDCA’s industry members, facilitating discussion among them to gather insights, address concerns, and ensure their input is conveyed to the NAGDCA Board. Additionally, the committee assists in the development and review of NAGDCA resources, ensuring that all content is accurate, up-to-date, and reflective of the latest trends and best practices within the industry.

Meetings: The committee will hold bimonthly conference calls. NAGDCA staff will assist the Chair in developing meeting agenda and coordinating committee meetings/calls. The committee will meet with the industry membership during the annual conference.

Minutes: NAGDCA staff will prepare and distribute meeting minutes to the committee and upon committee approval, to the Executive Board.

Industry Committee Member-at-Large Nomination Form

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