Strategic Alignment

NAGDCA’s goal as the pre-eminent professional association representing the public sector defined contribution community is to develop a network of well-informed defined contribution retirement plan sponsors and industry professionals working together to provide America’s public sector workers with a secure financial future. With that goal as the focus, our Executive Board and staff meet yearly to develop a comprehensive strategic plan. Our most recent plan is focused on three goals:

Strategic Plan Icon


Streamline and modernize information for all members

Strategic Plan Step 2


Connect the NAGDCA community throughout the year


Advocate to secure the future of public DC plans

NAGDCA’s Standard of Excellence

NAGDCA’s most important core values are our reputation for integrity, transparency, and accurate information. The NAGDCA Bylaws, Policy Manual, and Code of Ethics give a detailed look into how NAGDCA is designed and run based on those principles.

Pursuant to IRS Regulations, it is the policy of NAGDCA to allow public access to its original exemption application and to its IRS Form 990. In addition, NAGDCA will make copies of its governing documents, conflict of interest policy/disclosures, and year-end financial statements available to the public. This access will be provided at NAGDCA’s principal headquarters offices at a time mutually agreeable between its headquarters and the individual requesting the inspection during regular business hours. In addition, NAGDCA will make each Form 990 information return available for a period of 3 years from filing. Headquarters will provide a copy of the exemption application or Form 990 without charge, other than a reasonable fee for reproduction and actual postage costs, as applicable. The copy must include all information furnished to the IRS as well as all schedules, attachments, and supporting statements, except for the name and address of any contributor to the organization. For further detailed information regarding these IRS requirements, refer to the General Instructions for Form 990.