National Retirement Security Month

One of NAGDCA’s primary goals is to help our plan sponsor members engage with their employees to help them save for a secure retirement. With that goal in mind, each year NAGDCA works with members of Congress to sponsor National Retirement Security Month (NRSM). Each public sector sponsor faces their own challenges in educating and enrolling their participants, and NRSM provides the platform around which our innovative members can employ their most creative ideas. Whether a plan sponsor is looking to increase participation, attract certain demographic groups to the plan, or educate against common investing pitfalls, NRSM is a dedicated time to focus on improving employee retirement outcomes.

Increase Participation
Increase participation
Attract Demographics
Attract certain
demographic groups
Educate against
investing pitfalls

NRSM Resources

NRSM Campaign Timeline

July & August

Develop a Strategy and Begin Planning 

  • Contact your retirement plan service provider(s) to determine what materials, support, and resources they can provide to help support NRSM promotion.
  • Consider holding a kick-off meeting with staff to begin planning for NRSM activities.
  • Identify events that your plan will host during NRSM.
  • Review NAGDCA’s Leadership Award winners in the NRSM category for ideas and inspiration.


Finalize Details and Prepare

  • Confirm your campaign communication plan. Map out a timeline and share internally with your staff.
  • Confirm assets and graphics you will be using for your campaign. Download our logo files here, or past Your Whole Story campaign materials here.
  • Finalize timing and location of any in-person NRSM events.
  • Finalize the materials you want to distribute during NRSM. Plan sponsors in the past have incorporated balloons, brochures, stickers, etc. Materials that tie into the activities you have planned are always the most effective.
  • Order food and giveaways for in-person events.
  • Develop your email marketing lists. Figure out who you’ll target with what messages.
  • Begin to develop a buzz – start scheduling regular social media messages and emails to promote NRSM.
  • Send save the dates for events and for the month itself. Email a calendar invite (even if you aren’t hosting an in-person event) that includes a quick list of suggested activities participants should think about during the month. For example, “review your contribution levels,” or “utilize a retirement calculator to determine what you need to be saving now to reach financial security in retirement.”


Campaign Implementation

  • Think about your evaluation strategy and determine baselines in order to measure successes. For example, number of participants, asset allocation, contribution levels, etc.
  • All distribution materials delivered/printed.
  • Reach out to press to share details about your campaign and events.
  • Go big on social media and email! Email, tweet, post, snap, share and do whatever you can to reach your participants. Remember to use the hashtag #NRSM24 so we can retweet and share your campaigns.
  • October 1-31 – Implement your NRSM communication campaign and host events.